Ableton Commands

o!donate - ABLETON is free! Help us pay our next month's VPS Hosting

o!vote - ABLETON is free! Support the ABLE Community by voting!

o!uptime - Returns the total uptime of the bot

o!ping - Returns the average latency of the bot

o!botinfo - Returns the bot's information

o!botinvite - Returns the invite link of the bot

o!guildcount - Returns the total count of the servers, the bot is in

o!supportserver - Returns the invite link of the support server

o!privacypolicy - Returns the Privacy Policy of the Bot

o!website - Returns the Official Website of the Bot

o!youtube - Returns the Official YouTube Channel of the Bot

o!antiraid - Anti-Raid Command Group Use o!help antiraid to know more

o!antiraid role - Set the role to mentioned when any raid activities are noticed in the server Can set as None

o!antiraid role
o!antiraid logs - Setup the Anti-Raid logs channel

o!antiraid logs
o!antiraid toggle - Returns the setup view of Anti-Raid Feature

o!antiraid toggle
o!antiraid level - Set the Anti-Raid Level Use o!anitiraid level to know more

o!antiraid level
o!calculator - Modern Calculator with beautiful buttons

o!chatbot - Advanced AI Chatbot You need to set it up to work in a specific channel

o!config - Configuration Command Group Use o!help config to know more

o!config chatbot - Toggle the ChatBot System on/off

o!config chatbot
o!config welcome - Toggle the Welcoming System on/off

o!config welcome
o!config level - Toggle the Levelling System on/off

o!config level
o!config autores - Toggle the Auto-Response System on/off

o!config autores
o!config invite - Toggle the Invite-Tracker System on/off

o!config invite
o!balance - Returns the net Able-Balance of the user

o!balance [user]
o!passive - Toggle passive mode on/off

o!passive <toggle>
o!withdraw - Withdraw Able Coins from your bank

o!withdraw [amount]
o!deposit - Deposit Able Coins to your bank

o!deposit <amount>
o!daily - Claim your daily rewards

o!weekly - Claim your weekly rewards

o!monthly - Claim your monthly rewards

o!beg - Beg for some Able Coins Chances are there you might get nothing

o!give - Transfer your Able Coins to someone

o!give <quantity> <user>
o!rob - Rob someone's wallet Be careful! Police are on patrol

o!rob <user>
o!bankrob - Form a gang and heist someone's bank Try to make a big gang to avoid failures

o!bankrob <user>
o!use - Use the usable items stored in your inventory Use o!inv to view your inventory

o!use <item>
o!burn - Basically resetting your whole Able Account

o!shop - View the items available in the Able Store Use o!buy to purchase any item

o!buy - Purchase any item available in the Able Store

o!buy <item> [amount]
o!sell - Sell the items stored in your inventory

o!sell <item> [amount]
o!inv - View your inventory

o!inv [user]
o!jobs - List of jobs available Use o!workjoin <job_id> to join a job

o!workjoin - Join any job available in the Able Jobs List

o!workjoin <work>
o!workresign - Resign from your current job

o!work - Work for your hourly income Use o!worklist to get the list of jobs available

o!gamble - Gambling is bad, isn't it?

o!gamble [amount]
o!search - Search for some Able Coins Careful! You can get killed while searching

o!slot - One of the most addictive Able Economy Games

o!slot [amount]
o!hunt - Hunt down some animals in the woods and earn some Able Coins Requires Hunting Rifle

o!fish - Catch a fish and earn some Able Coins Requires Fishing Rod

o!mine - Dig and mine to find some Able Ores Requires Pickaxe

o!postmeme - Post memes and earn some Able Coins Requires Mobile Phone

o!rich - Returns the Server Leaderboard Use o!lb for Global Economy Leaderboard

o!economyleaderboard - Returns the Global Economy Leaderboard Use o!rich for Server Leaderboard

o!economy - Economy Configuration Command Group Use o!help economy to know more

o!economy drop - Toggle random Able Coins drop on/off

o!economy drop
o!economy roles - Setup roles for Able RoleShop

o!economy roles
o!fact - Returns an informative r a n d o m fact

o!pickupline - So ABLETON now even helps you pull out bishes, eh?

o!thank - Thank a member in the server There's a thank leaderboard too!

o!thank <member>
o!checkthanks - Check your total thanks in the server

o!checkthanks <member>
o!avatar - Returns the avatar of a user

o!avatar [user]
o!nick - Change/reset the nickname of a member

o!nick <member_> [name]
o!afk - Set your afk with a note The user will be notified when they mention you

o!afk [afknote=No note provided]
o!mods - Returns the list of moderators in the server along with their status

o!weather - Returns the weather of the provided location

o!weather [location]
o!meme - Returns a wholesome, funni meme

o!kiss - Returns a 'kissing' gif

o!kiss [user]
o!poke - Returns a 'poking' gif

o!poke [user]
o!hug - Returns a 'hugging' gif

o!hug [user]
o!love - Returns a 'cute loving' gif

o!love [user]
o!slap - Returns a 'slapping' gif

o!slap [user]
o!pat - Returns a 'patting' gif

o!pat [user]
o!nitro - Rickrolling is cringe Isn't it?

o!clap - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) with 'clap' emojis in between

o!clap [message]
o!fly - Fly as far as you can

o!furrify - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) with 'uwu' and 'owo' swapped

o!furrify <text>
o!mock - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) with random capitalized letters

o!mock <text>
o!parent - Where are your parents?

o!nuke - Basically nuking the whole damn world It doesn't nuke the server

o!reverse - Repeats the message (passed as an argument), but reversed

o!reverse [args...]
o!repeat - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) and deleted the original message (requires manage messages permission)

o!repeat [args...]
o!iq - Returns the user's iq level (random tho)

o!iq [user]
o!pp - Returns the user's op size (random tho)

o!pp [user]
o!roast - Roast any person using the bot

o!roast [user]
o!gaminglevelof - Returns the user's gaming level (random tho)

o!gaminglevelof [user]
o!howcoolis - Returns the user's coolness level (random tho)

o!howcoolis [user]
o!noob - Returns the user's noobness level (random tho)

o!noob [user]
o!kill - Literally kills the user

o!kill <user>
o!beatsomeone - Beat a random person in the server

o!anonymous - Send an anonymous message (embedded) Use o!repeat to send a normal anonymoous message

o!anonymous <message>
o!_8ball - Returns the certainity of the question

o!_8ball <question>
o!guessthelogo - The Classic GUESS THE LOGO game

o!guesstheflag - The Classic GUESS THE FLAG game

o!rps - Rock-Paper-Scissor Singleplayer Game

o!flip - CoinFlip singleplayer game

o!tictactoe - Play Tic-Tac-Toe along with your friends (Multiplayer)

o!tictactoe [member]
o!speed - Fastest Finger First game (mulitplayer) Read the game instructions

o!speed [member]
o!giveaway - Giveaway Command Category Use o!help giveaway to know more

o!giveaway reroll - Reroll an existing giveaway in the server use the command in the same channel where the giveaway message was sent

o!giveaway reroll
o!giveaway start - Start a giveaway in the server Answer the question asked

o!giveaway start
o!giveaway end - End an active giveaway in the server

o!giveaway end
o!robogen - Returns a random image suitable with the provided text

o!robogen [text]
o!jail - Returns a manipulated 'jailed' image showing the user's pfp

o!jail [user]
o!america - Returns a manipulated 'america' image showing the user's pfp

o!america [user]
o!pixel - Returns a manipulated 'pixel' image showing the user's pfp

o!pixel [user]
o!mirror - Returns a manipulated 'mirror' image showing the user's pfp

o!mirror [user]
o!flipimage - Returns a manipulated 'pixel' image showing the user's pfp

o!flipimage [user]
o!colours - Returns a manipulated 'colour' image showing the user's pfp

o!colours [user]
o!communism - Returns a manipulated 'communism' image showing the user's pfp

o!communism [user]
o!triggered - Returns a manipulated 'triggered' image showing the user's pfp

o!triggered [user]
o!expand - Returns a manipulated 'expand' image showing the user's pfp

o!expand [user]
o!wasted - Returns a manipulated 'wasted' image showing the user's pfp

o!wasted [user]
o!sketch - Returns a manipulated 'sketch' image showing the user's pfp

o!sketch [user]
o!spin - Returns a manipulated 'spin' image showing the user's pfp

o!spin [user]
o!petpet - Returns a manipulated 'petpet' image showing the user's pfp

o!petpet [user]
o!bonk - Returns a manipulated 'bonk' image showing the user's pfp

o!bonk [user]
o!shake - Returns a manipulated 'shake' image showing the user's pfp

o!shake [user]
o!sobel - Returns a manipulated 'sobel' image showing the user's pfp

o!sobel [user]
o!triangle - Returns a manipulated 'triangle' image showing the user's pfp

o!triangle [user]
o!blur - Returns a manipulated 'blur' image showing the user's pfp

o!blur [user]
o!lego - Returns a manipulated 'lego' image showing the user's pfp

o!lego [user]
o!stringify - Returns a manipulated 'stringify' image showing the user's pfp

o!stringify [user]
o!burnimg - Returns a manipulated 'burnimg' image showing the user's pfp

o!burnimg [user]
o!mosaic - Returns a manipulated 'mosaic' image showing the user's pfp

o!mosaic [user]
o!sithlord - Returns a manipulated 'sithlord' image showing the user's pfp

o!sithlord [user]
o!satan - Returns a manipulated 'satan' image showing the user's pfp

o!satan [user]
o!deepfry - Returns a manipulated 'deepfry' image showing the user's pfp

o!deepfry [user]
o!magik - Returns a manipulated 'magik' image showing the user's pfp

o!magik [user]
o!5guys_1girl - Returns a manipulated '5 guys and 1 girl' image showing the user's pfp

o!5guys_1girl <user>
o!slapimg - Returns a manipulated 'slapimg' image showing the user's pfp

o!slapimg <user>
o!obama - Returns a manipulated 'obama' image showing the user's pfp

o!obama <user>
o!tweet - Returns a manipulated 'tweet' image showing the user's pfp

o!tweet <member> <text>
o!ytcomment - Returns a manipulated 'ytcomment' image showing the user's pfp

o!ytcomment <member> <text>
o!motivation - Returns a manipulated 'motivation' image showing the user's pfp

o!motivation <text>
o!biden - Returns a manipulated 'biden' image showing the user's pfp

o!biden [user]
o!god - Returns a manipulated 'god' image showing the user's pfp

o!god [user]
o!wanted - Returns a manipulated 'wanted' image showing the user's pfp

o!wanted [user]
o!delete - Returns a manipulated 'delete' image showing the user's pfp

o!delete [user]
o!trash - Returns a manipulated 'trash' image showing the user's pfp

o!trash [user]
o!hitler - Returns a manipulated 'hitler' image showing the user's pfp

o!hitler [user]
o!shit - Returns a manipulated 'shit' image showing the user's pfp

o!shit [user]
o!level - Returns the member's current level and rank in the server

o!level [member]
o!setlevel - Sets a member's level

o!setlevel <level> <member>
o!levelleaderboard - Returns the level leaderboard of the server

o!reseteveryone - Resets everyone's level in the server

o!levelreward - Level Reward Command Group Use o!help lvlreward to know more

o!levelreward remove - Remove level rewards from the server

o!levelreward remove
o!levelreward list - Returns the list of level rewards of the server

o!levelreward list
o!levelreward add - Add level rewards to the server

o!levelreward add
o!no_xp - No XP Command Group Use o!help no_xp to know more

o!no_xp add_channel - Add no XP channels to the server

o!no_xp add_channel
o!no_xp list_channels - Returns the list of no XP channels of the server

o!no_xp list_channels
o!no_xp remove_channel - Remove no XP channels from the server

o!no_xp remove_channel
o!no_xp clear_list - Clears the channels blacklist

o!no_xp clear_list
o!xp_boost - Members with `XP Boosted Roles` gain 2x XP Use o!help xp_boost to know more

o!xp_boost add_role - Add XP boosted roles to the server

o!xp_boost add_role
o!xp_boost list_roles - Returns the list of XP boosted roles of the server

o!xp_boost list_roles
o!xp_boost clear_list - Clears the XP boosted roles list

o!xp_boost clear_list
o!xp_boost remove_role - Remove XP boosted roles from the server

o!xp_boost remove_role
o!slowmode - Sets slowmode to the channel where the command was used

o!slowmode <seconds>
o!slowmodeoff - Reset the slowmode of the channel where the command was used

o!clear - Purges the messages of the channel where the command was used You can pass the user argument to delete the messages sent by the user only

o!clear [amount] [user]
o!lock - Lockdowns a channel Basically removing 'send messages' permission from everyone in the channel

o!lock [note=No note provided]
o!unlock - Unlocks a channel (if it was locked using o!lockdown command)

o!addroles - Adds role(s) to a member You can add as many role as you want

o!addroles <member> [roles]...
o!removeroles - Removes role(s) from a member You can remove as many role as you want

o!removeroles <member> [roles]...
o!warn - Adds a strike to the member (passed as an argument)

o!warn <member> [reason=No reason provided]
o!removewarn - Removes a strike of the member (passed as an argument)

o!removewarn <member> <warn_id>
o!warnings - Check the user's current infractions in the server

o!warnings <member>
o!kick - Kick member(s) from the server You can kick as many members as you want

o!kick [members]... [reason]
o!ban - Bans member(s) from the server You can ban as many members as you want

o!ban [users]... [reason= No reason provided]
o!hackban - Bans a user who is not in the server It can ban users outside the server

o!hackban <user_id> [reason=No reason provided]
o!unban - Unbans a banned member in the server

o!unban <member>
o!softban - Bans a member for a specific time (provided as an argument)

o!softban <user> <timer> [reason=No reason provided]
o!mute - Mutes a member in the server Basically removing their 'send messages' permission from all the channels

o!mute <user> [reason=No reason provided]
o!unmute - Unmutes a member in the server

o!unmute <user>
o!softmute - Mute a member for a specific automated time in the server

o!softmute <user> <duration> [reason=No reason provided]
o!modlog - ModLog Command Category Use o!help modlog to know more

o!modlog messageedit - Toggle the 'message edit' ModLog event on/off Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog messageedit
o!modlog ban - Toggle the 'ban' ModLog event on/off Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog ban
o!modlog setup - Sets up the ModLogger system in the server Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog setup
o!modlog messagedel - Toggle the 'message delete' ModLog event on/off Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog messagedel
o!reactionrole - Setups the reaction role in the server

o!reactionremove - Removes the reaction role from the message

o!embed - Starts the embed builder wizard

o!poll - Starts a poll in the server

o!poll <choices>
o!uploademoji - Provide the url of to emoji to be uploaded (not the file)

o!uploademoji <name> <url>
o!serverinfo - Returns the server's detailed information

o!membercount - Returns the server's member count

o!userinfo - Returns a user's detailed information

o!userinfo [member]
o!accountage - Returns a user's account age

o!accountage <user>
o!donate - ABLETON is free! Help us pay our next month's VPS Hosting

o!vote - ABLETON is free! Support the ABLE Community by voting!

o!uptime - Returns the total uptime of the bot

o!ping - Returns the average latency of the bot

o!botinfo - Returns the bot's information

o!botinvite - Returns the invite link of the bot

o!guildcount - Returns the total count of the servers, the bot is in

o!supportserver - Returns the invite link of the support server

o!privacypolicy - Returns the Privacy Policy of the Bot

o!website - Returns the Official Website of the Bot

o!youtube - Returns the Official YouTube Channel of the Bot

o!antiraid - Anti-Raid Command Group Use o!help antiraid to know more

o!antiraid role - Set the role to mentioned when any raid activities are noticed in the server Can set as None

o!antiraid role
o!antiraid logs - Setup the Anti-Raid logs channel

o!antiraid logs
o!antiraid toggle - Returns the setup view of Anti-Raid Feature

o!antiraid toggle
o!antiraid level - Set the Anti-Raid Level Use o!anitiraid level to know more

o!antiraid level
o!calculator - Modern Calculator with beautiful buttons

o!chatbot - Advanced AI Chatbot You need to set it up to work in a specific channel

o!config - Configuration Command Group Use o!help config to know more

o!config chatbot - Toggle the ChatBot System on/off

o!config chatbot
o!config welcome - Toggle the Welcoming System on/off

o!config welcome
o!config level - Toggle the Levelling System on/off

o!config level
o!config autores - Toggle the Auto-Response System on/off

o!config autores
o!config invite - Toggle the Invite-Tracker System on/off

o!config invite
o!balance - Returns the net Able-Balance of the user

o!balance [user]
o!passive - Toggle passive mode on/off

o!passive <toggle>
o!withdraw - Withdraw Able Coins from your bank

o!withdraw [amount]
o!deposit - Deposit Able Coins to your bank

o!deposit <amount>
o!daily - Claim your daily rewards

o!weekly - Claim your weekly rewards

o!monthly - Claim your monthly rewards

o!beg - Beg for some Able Coins Chances are there you might get nothing

o!give - Transfer your Able Coins to someone

o!give <quantity> <user>
o!rob - Rob someone's wallet Be careful! Police are on patrol

o!rob <user>
o!bankrob - Form a gang and heist someone's bank Try to make a big gang to avoid failures

o!bankrob <user>
o!use - Use the usable items stored in your inventory Use o!inv to view your inventory

o!use <item>
o!burn - Basically resetting your whole Able Account

o!shop - View the items available in the Able Store Use o!buy to purchase any item

o!buy - Purchase any item available in the Able Store

o!buy <item> [amount]
o!sell - Sell the items stored in your inventory

o!sell <item> [amount]
o!inv - View your inventory

o!inv [user]
o!jobs - List of jobs available Use o!workjoin <job_id> to join a job

o!workjoin - Join any job available in the Able Jobs List

o!workjoin <work>
o!workresign - Resign from your current job

o!work - Work for your hourly income Use o!worklist to get the list of jobs available

o!gamble - Gambling is bad, isn't it?

o!gamble [amount]
o!search - Search for some Able Coins Careful! You can get killed while searching

o!slot - One of the most addictive Able Economy Games

o!slot [amount]
o!hunt - Hunt down some animals in the woods and earn some Able Coins Requires Hunting Rifle

o!fish - Catch a fish and earn some Able Coins Requires Fishing Rod

o!mine - Dig and mine to find some Able Ores Requires Pickaxe

o!postmeme - Post memes and earn some Able Coins Requires Mobile Phone

o!rich - Returns the Server Leaderboard Use o!lb for Global Economy Leaderboard

o!economyleaderboard - Returns the Global Economy Leaderboard Use o!rich for Server Leaderboard

o!economy - Economy Configuration Command Group Use o!help economy to know more

o!economy drop - Toggle random Able Coins drop on/off

o!economy drop
o!economy roles - Setup roles for Able RoleShop

o!economy roles
o!fact - Returns an informative r a n d o m fact

o!pickupline - So ABLETON now even helps you pull out bishes, eh?

o!thank - Thank a member in the server There's a thank leaderboard too!

o!thank <member>
o!checkthanks - Check your total thanks in the server

o!checkthanks <member>
o!avatar - Returns the avatar of a user

o!avatar [user]
o!nick - Change/reset the nickname of a member

o!nick <member_> [name]
o!afk - Set your afk with a note The user will be notified when they mention you

o!afk [afknote=No note provided]
o!mods - Returns the list of moderators in the server along with their status

o!weather - Returns the weather of the provided location

o!weather [location]
o!meme - Returns a wholesome, funni meme

o!kiss - Returns a 'kissing' gif

o!kiss [user]
o!poke - Returns a 'poking' gif

o!poke [user]
o!hug - Returns a 'hugging' gif

o!hug [user]
o!love - Returns a 'cute loving' gif

o!love [user]
o!slap - Returns a 'slapping' gif

o!slap [user]
o!pat - Returns a 'patting' gif

o!pat [user]
o!nitro - Rickrolling is cringe Isn't it?

o!clap - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) with 'clap' emojis in between

o!clap [message]
o!fly - Fly as far as you can

o!furrify - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) with 'uwu' and 'owo' swapped

o!furrify <text>
o!mock - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) with random capitalized letters

o!mock <text>
o!parent - Where are your parents?

o!nuke - Basically nuking the whole damn world It doesn't nuke the server

o!reverse - Repeats the message (passed as an argument), but reversed

o!reverse [args...]
o!repeat - Repeats the message (passed as an argument) and deleted the original message (requires manage messages permission)

o!repeat [args...]
o!iq - Returns the user's iq level (random tho)

o!iq [user]
o!pp - Returns the user's op size (random tho)

o!pp [user]
o!roast - Roast any person using the bot

o!roast [user]
o!gaminglevelof - Returns the user's gaming level (random tho)

o!gaminglevelof [user]
o!howcoolis - Returns the user's coolness level (random tho)

o!howcoolis [user]
o!noob - Returns the user's noobness level (random tho)

o!noob [user]
o!kill - Literally kills the user

o!kill <user>
o!beatsomeone - Beat a random person in the server

o!anonymous - Send an anonymous message (embedded) Use o!repeat to send a normal anonymoous message

o!anonymous <message>
o!_8ball - Returns the certainity of the question

o!_8ball <question>
o!guessthelogo - The Classic GUESS THE LOGO game

o!guesstheflag - The Classic GUESS THE FLAG game

o!rps - Rock-Paper-Scissor Singleplayer Game

o!flip - CoinFlip singleplayer game

o!tictactoe - Play Tic-Tac-Toe along with your friends (Multiplayer)

o!tictactoe [member]
o!speed - Fastest Finger First game (mulitplayer) Read the game instructions

o!speed [member]
o!giveaway - Giveaway Command Category Use o!help giveaway to know more

o!giveaway reroll - Reroll an existing giveaway in the server use the command in the same channel where the giveaway message was sent

o!giveaway reroll
o!giveaway start - Start a giveaway in the server Answer the question asked

o!giveaway start
o!giveaway end - End an active giveaway in the server

o!giveaway end
o!robogen - Returns a random image suitable with the provided text

o!robogen [text]
o!jail - Returns a manipulated 'jailed' image showing the user's pfp

o!jail [user]
o!america - Returns a manipulated 'america' image showing the user's pfp

o!america [user]
o!pixel - Returns a manipulated 'pixel' image showing the user's pfp

o!pixel [user]
o!mirror - Returns a manipulated 'mirror' image showing the user's pfp

o!mirror [user]
o!flipimage - Returns a manipulated 'pixel' image showing the user's pfp

o!flipimage [user]
o!colours - Returns a manipulated 'colour' image showing the user's pfp

o!colours [user]
o!communism - Returns a manipulated 'communism' image showing the user's pfp

o!communism [user]
o!triggered - Returns a manipulated 'triggered' image showing the user's pfp

o!triggered [user]
o!expand - Returns a manipulated 'expand' image showing the user's pfp

o!expand [user]
o!wasted - Returns a manipulated 'wasted' image showing the user's pfp

o!wasted [user]
o!sketch - Returns a manipulated 'sketch' image showing the user's pfp

o!sketch [user]
o!spin - Returns a manipulated 'spin' image showing the user's pfp

o!spin [user]
o!petpet - Returns a manipulated 'petpet' image showing the user's pfp

o!petpet [user]
o!bonk - Returns a manipulated 'bonk' image showing the user's pfp

o!bonk [user]
o!shake - Returns a manipulated 'shake' image showing the user's pfp

o!shake [user]
o!sobel - Returns a manipulated 'sobel' image showing the user's pfp

o!sobel [user]
o!triangle - Returns a manipulated 'triangle' image showing the user's pfp

o!triangle [user]
o!blur - Returns a manipulated 'blur' image showing the user's pfp

o!blur [user]
o!lego - Returns a manipulated 'lego' image showing the user's pfp

o!lego [user]
o!stringify - Returns a manipulated 'stringify' image showing the user's pfp

o!stringify [user]
o!burnimg - Returns a manipulated 'burnimg' image showing the user's pfp

o!burnimg [user]
o!mosaic - Returns a manipulated 'mosaic' image showing the user's pfp

o!mosaic [user]
o!sithlord - Returns a manipulated 'sithlord' image showing the user's pfp

o!sithlord [user]
o!satan - Returns a manipulated 'satan' image showing the user's pfp

o!satan [user]
o!deepfry - Returns a manipulated 'deepfry' image showing the user's pfp

o!deepfry [user]
o!magik - Returns a manipulated 'magik' image showing the user's pfp

o!magik [user]
o!5guys_1girl - Returns a manipulated '5 guys and 1 girl' image showing the user's pfp

o!5guys_1girl <user>
o!slapimg - Returns a manipulated 'slapimg' image showing the user's pfp

o!slapimg <user>
o!obama - Returns a manipulated 'obama' image showing the user's pfp

o!obama <user>
o!tweet - Returns a manipulated 'tweet' image showing the user's pfp

o!tweet <member> <text>
o!ytcomment - Returns a manipulated 'ytcomment' image showing the user's pfp

o!ytcomment <member> <text>
o!motivation - Returns a manipulated 'motivation' image showing the user's pfp

o!motivation <text>
o!biden - Returns a manipulated 'biden' image showing the user's pfp

o!biden [user]
o!god - Returns a manipulated 'god' image showing the user's pfp

o!god [user]
o!wanted - Returns a manipulated 'wanted' image showing the user's pfp

o!wanted [user]
o!delete - Returns a manipulated 'delete' image showing the user's pfp

o!delete [user]
o!trash - Returns a manipulated 'trash' image showing the user's pfp

o!trash [user]
o!hitler - Returns a manipulated 'hitler' image showing the user's pfp

o!hitler [user]
o!shit - Returns a manipulated 'shit' image showing the user's pfp

o!shit [user]
o!level - Returns the member's current level and rank in the server

o!level [member]
o!setlevel - Sets a member's level

o!setlevel <level> <member>
o!levelleaderboard - Returns the level leaderboard of the server

o!reseteveryone - Resets everyone's level in the server

o!levelreward - Level Reward Command Group Use o!help lvlreward to know more

o!levelreward remove - Remove level rewards from the server

o!levelreward remove
o!levelreward list - Returns the list of level rewards of the server

o!levelreward list
o!levelreward add - Add level rewards to the server

o!levelreward add
o!no_xp - No XP Command Group Use o!help no_xp to know more

o!no_xp add_channel - Add no XP channels to the server

o!no_xp add_channel
o!no_xp list_channels - Returns the list of no XP channels of the server

o!no_xp list_channels
o!no_xp remove_channel - Remove no XP channels from the server

o!no_xp remove_channel
o!no_xp clear_list - Clears the channels blacklist

o!no_xp clear_list
o!xp_boost - Members with `XP Boosted Roles` gain 2x XP Use o!help xp_boost to know more

o!xp_boost add_role - Add XP boosted roles to the server

o!xp_boost add_role
o!xp_boost list_roles - Returns the list of XP boosted roles of the server

o!xp_boost list_roles
o!xp_boost clear_list - Clears the XP boosted roles list

o!xp_boost clear_list
o!xp_boost remove_role - Remove XP boosted roles from the server

o!xp_boost remove_role
o!slowmode - Sets slowmode to the channel where the command was used

o!slowmode <seconds>
o!slowmodeoff - Reset the slowmode of the channel where the command was used

o!clear - Purges the messages of the channel where the command was used You can pass the user argument to delete the messages sent by the user only

o!clear [amount] [user]
o!lock - Lockdowns a channel Basically removing 'send messages' permission from everyone in the channel

o!lock [note=No note provided]
o!unlock - Unlocks a channel (if it was locked using o!lockdown command)

o!addroles - Adds role(s) to a member You can add as many role as you want

o!addroles <member> [roles]...
o!removeroles - Removes role(s) from a member You can remove as many role as you want

o!removeroles <member> [roles]...
o!warn - Adds a strike to the member (passed as an argument)

o!warn <member> [reason=No reason provided]
o!removewarn - Removes a strike of the member (passed as an argument)

o!removewarn <member> <warn_id>
o!warnings - Check the user's current infractions in the server

o!warnings <member>
o!kick - Kick member(s) from the server You can kick as many members as you want

o!kick [members]... [reason]
o!ban - Bans member(s) from the server You can ban as many members as you want

o!ban [users]... [reason= No reason provided]
o!hackban - Bans a user who is not in the server It can ban users outside the server

o!hackban <user_id> [reason=No reason provided]
o!unban - Unbans a banned member in the server

o!unban <member>
o!softban - Bans a member for a specific time (provided as an argument)

o!softban <user> <timer> [reason=No reason provided]
o!mute - Mutes a member in the server Basically removing their 'send messages' permission from all the channels

o!mute <user> [reason=No reason provided]
o!unmute - Unmutes a member in the server

o!unmute <user>
o!softmute - Mute a member for a specific automated time in the server

o!softmute <user> <duration> [reason=No reason provided]
o!modlog - ModLog Command Category Use o!help modlog to know more

o!modlog messageedit - Toggle the 'message edit' ModLog event on/off Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog messageedit
o!modlog ban - Toggle the 'ban' ModLog event on/off Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog ban
o!modlog setup - Sets up the ModLogger system in the server Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog setup
o!modlog messagedel - Toggle the 'message delete' ModLog event on/off Answer to the questions asked to you

o!modlog messagedel
o!reactionrole - Setups the reaction role in the server

o!reactionremove - Removes the reaction role from the message

o!embed - Starts the embed builder wizard

o!poll - Starts a poll in the server

o!poll <choices>
o!uploademoji - Provide the url of to emoji to be uploaded (not the file)

o!uploademoji <name> <url>
o!serverinfo - Returns the server's detailed information

o!membercount - Returns the server's member count

o!userinfo - Returns a user's detailed information

o!userinfo [member]
o!accountage - Returns a user's account age

o!accountage <user>